(WATCH): Clueless Dem Rashida Tlaib Gets Absolutely Smoked By JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon After Demanding Divestment From Fossil Fuels

Wall Street titan Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, absolutely crushed far-left ‘Squad’ member Rashida Tlaib during a House hearing with top bank executives Wednesday.
“You have all committed, as you all know, to transition the emissions from lending and investment activities to align with pathways to net-zero in 2050 … So no new fossil fuel production, starting today, so that’s like zero,” Tlaib (D-MI) began.
“I would like to ask all of you and go down the list, cause again, you all have agreed to doing this,” she continued. “Please answer with a simple yes or no, does your bank have a policy against funding new oil and gas products, Mr. Dimon?”
The JP Morgan CEO gave a blistering response of the kind rarely seen in congressional hearings: “Absolutely not,” Dimon fired back, “and that would be the road to hell for America.”
BASED Jamie Dimon made an appearance today when clueless Rep. @RashidaTlaib asked bank CEOs if they would stop funding all new fossil fuel projects:
“Absolutely not and that would be the road to Hell for America.” pic.twitter.com/AUXi74vdcz
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) September 21, 2022
RELATED: JPMorgan Chief Jamie Dimon Warns Americans: Brace Yourself For An Economic ‘Hurricane’
Jamie Dimon Slaps Away Rashida Tlaib’s Climate Demand
On a side note, perhaps one of the most amusing parts of that video clip in my mind is the fact that Tlaib mispronounces the word ‘Celcius’ as ‘Cell-uh-sis.’
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At least she tried.
On a more serious note, Rashida Tlaib didn’t take kindly to Jamie Dimon’s response, urging people on the receiving end of student loan handouts to close their accounts with his bank.
“Yea. That’s fine. That’s fine,” Tlaib sputtered in return. “Sir, you know what, everybody that got relief from student loans [that] has a bank account with your bank should probably take out their account and close their account.”
Yes, because a successful banking executive is sure to lose sleep over the loss of accounts coming from people who didn’t have the fiscal responsibility to pay back their student loans.
Whom do you think knows more about economics and prosperity: Rashida Tlaib or Jamie Dimon? If you think the former, you require a mental wellness check. https://t.co/ASUnZ7dpsC
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 22, 2022
Tlaib continued her attack: “The fact that you’re not even there to help relieve many of the folks that are in debt, extreme debt because of student loan debt, and you’re out there criticizing it.”
Indeed, Dimon criticized the President’s student loan bailout plan as being “badly done” and said he did “wish they had targeted the people who actually needed help.”
“We basically put a Band-Aid on, spent a lot of money, and didn’t fix the problem which will now be ongoing. So please, give it a fix,” he quipped.
And, frankly, why would a private bank “relieve” the debt of public debt holders? The ‘Squad’ seems to not understand anything at all about economics.
Jamie Dimon isn’t a fan of Pres Biden’s student-loan forgiveness. “Badly done,” not targeted to people who need help, doesn’t solve underlying tuition problem. “We basically put a Band-Aid on, spent a lot of money and didn’t fix the problem,” he said. https://t.co/F16Y6H7jgc
— Andrew Ackerman (@amacker) September 21, 2022
RELATED: Watch: Tlaib Asks Witness If She’s a Conspiracy Theorist, Then Accuses Her of Conspiracy for Winking
The Others Rejected Her, Too
After throwing her little tantrum, Tlaib then went down the line of bank executives at the hearing and each one said they would continue to invest in oil and gas as well as alternative energy projects.
Which seems like a reasonable approach.
Critics of Tlaib’s scorched Earth policy to combatting a scorched Earth point out that all energy options must remain open and any transition to cleaner options must be a gradual one.
“These transitions take forty years,” American financier Kyle Bass said in a recent CNBC interview. “The move from coal to natural gas took forty years. They take a very, very, very long time. We can’t just flip a switch.”
Good for Dimon! Really triggered Tlaib with a big, fat dose of reality from her delusional Green New Deal fantasyland. https://t.co/Gs1tPW4ZLM
— John Block (@RepBlock) September 21, 2022
Not to mention what these wish list restrictions from environmentalists have done to the supply of oil and gas, leading to exorbitant prices.
But that’s not what is important. What is important is that people like Tlaib can pretend they’re saving the world at the expense of American lives.
She is just and righteous, and you, Jamie Dimon, need to come around before it is too late.
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