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What happened to Chivalry? Is Chivalry Dead? Did Modern Women Kill It?

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Does a man owe a certain service to you because you are a woman? I should say so but others will not agree. It should be a man’s duty and pleasure to be chivalrous to a woman but sometimes a woman can make the man feel very unappreciated. The standard my father taught me to live by is a standard very few people adhere to in today’s society. Mostly, chivalry is undervalued, not dead.

Men only changed because women changed their expectations. Some women get offended if you offer to pay for dinner, hold the door for them, or pull out their chairs. It’s because most Women counter that they can open their own doors, pull out their own chairs and take care of themselves, and some women have argued this point for years. Yet, some also get offended if you don’t do these things…

Chivalry is a glorified form of respect. Just like going through any ritual without understanding its purpose, people distort it, misdirect it, abuse it, and condemn it. But fundamentally, it was meant as a societal code of civility.  In the hookup culture we now live in, it’s pretty obvious that chivalry is a lost art and dating is nonexistent.

Seriously, who goes on dates anymore? It’s all about hooking up, getting a number, grabbing a drink and/or Netflix, and chilling. Ladies, men are going to get away with putting in the bare minimum until you start demanding it again because It’s pretty obvious that you hold all the cards. If women decide today or tomorrow that they want chivalry to live, it will live.

Often the guy that will treat you right in a relationship, is more or less the guy that you have overlooked a number of times. Though he is present, he may still be invisible to you today. Who do you pick? A ruthless fancy of your imagination that you think you can change, who breaks your heart and has you feeling as if chivalry doesn’t exist when truth be told it does. It does, but if you keep choosing the matter which you use to wrongfully tear a gender down, it will die. Chose rightfully, and above all be the catalyst. You run things. Chivalry can live for an eternity if you start picking the men that resemble the men of “Your Dreams,” and not the “Ogres of Your Reality.”

What are YOUR Thoughts Corner Family? Is Chivalry Dead?

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