
Ex-Clinton Aide Shares Intense Effort to Portray Trump in Kamala Harris Debate Prep

A former aide to Hillary Clinton, Philippe Reines, recently revealed the extreme measures he took to embody former President Donald Trump during Kamala Harris’ vice presidential debate preparations in 2020. Reines, known for his skill in mimicking Trump, was tasked with playing the role of the former president to prepare Harris for her debate with then-Vice President Mike Pence.

In an interview, Reines shared that the task required more than simply mimicking Trump’s voice and mannerisms. He had to dive deep into Trump’s persona, including adopting his combative debate style and unpredictable behavior. “It’s not just about sounding like Trump; you have to think like him,” Reines explained. “The way he interrupts, the way he shifts conversations—those are his tactics, and I had to perfect them to give Kamala the full experience.”

Reines previously gained attention for his role in helping Hillary Clinton prepare for her debates against Trump during the 2016 presidential election. Known for his attention to detail, he took the preparation process to an almost theatrical level, closely studying Trump’s communication style and applying it to mock debates.

During the Harris debate prep sessions, Reines’ portrayal was intended to help Harris anticipate potential challenges, especially Pence’s likely strategy of defending the Trump administration’s policies. By embodying Trump’s presence, Reines aimed to recreate the tension and unpredictability Harris could face on stage, making her ready for whatever Pence threw her way.

Reines emphasized the importance of these mock debates in preparing candidates for the real thing, noting that understanding Trump’s mindset was critical. “Debating Trump, even through someone else, is an intense experience. It’s about getting into the psychology behind his moves.”

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