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Two Boys, 12 and 13, Arrested in Assault on Former NY Governor David Paterson and Stepson

Two boys, aged 12 and 13, have been arrested in connection with an attack on former New York Governor David Paterson and his stepson. The shocking incident took place in Upper Manhattan, leaving both victims shaken but fortunately unharmed.

Details of the Incident

The attack occurred on a busy street as Paterson, 69, and his stepson were walking. According to reports, the two boys approached the former governor and his stepson before assaulting them. Paterson, who served as governor of New York from 2008 to 2010, described the encounter as frightening and said it happened quickly.

The suspects were apprehended by local authorities shortly after the incident. Both juveniles now face charges related to the assault. Their motives remain unclear, but investigators are continuing to look into the circumstances that led to the attack.

Concerns About Juvenile Crime in NYC

This incident adds to growing concerns about juvenile crime in New York City. Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in violent incidents involving young teens, raising questions about how the city can address these issues effectively. Mayor Eric Adams and local lawmakers have called for stronger intervention programs and more resources for at-risk youth to prevent these kinds of crimes.

Paterson’s Response

Though the assault was unsettling, Paterson has expressed gratitude for the swift response of law enforcement. He emphasized that the situation could have been far worse and thanked the public for their support.

The former governor is no stranger to public life but admits that being the target of a random attack is a stark reminder of the challenges New Yorkers face, even in broad daylight.

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