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Atlantic City Mayor and Wife Indicted on Charges of Alleged Child Abuse

Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small Sr. and his wife, La’Quetta Small, have been indicted on serious charges of child abuse, following allegations that they physically assaulted their teenage daughter. The indictment, filed by a grand jury, details disturbing claims that the couple engaged in violent behavior during a domestic altercation at their home earlier this year.

According to court documents, the charges stem from an incident in which the couple allegedly beat their daughter, leaving her with visible injuries. Law enforcement officials were alerted after the teenager reported the abuse to authorities, sparking an investigation that led to the indictment. Both Mayor Small and his wife have denied the allegations, insisting they will fight the charges in court.

The legal battle has sent shockwaves through Atlantic City, where Marty Small Sr. has served as mayor since 2019. Known for his leadership in revitalizing the city’s struggling economy and tourism sector, the charges have cast a shadow over his administration. La’Quetta Small, a school principal, also faces scrutiny due to her high-profile role in the community.

The couple’s legal team argues that the case is a misunderstanding, claiming that the physical altercation has been exaggerated. However, prosecutors are pushing for accountability, emphasizing the severity of the charges and the need for justice for their daughter.

As the case moves forward, both Small and his wife have vowed to remain in their public roles, despite mounting pressure to step aside. Public opinion is divided, with some residents expressing support for the family, while others call for the mayor’s resignation.

The trial is expected to draw significant media attention, with potential implications for the mayor’s political career and the reputation of the city’s leadership.

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