Blood tests suggest that social disadvantage can accelerate aging and increase disease risk

The link between socioeconomic status and aging has been a topic of interest for researchers at University College London (UCL), who recently conducted a study to explore how social advantages impact the biological aging process. The findings, published in Nature Medicine, reveal that individuals with higher incomes and education levels are at a reduced risk of age-related diseases and show fewer signs of biological aging compared to their peers of the same age.
Lead author Professor Mika Kivimaki from UCL’s Faculty of Brain Sciences emphasizes the importance of these findings, stating that social conditions play a significant role in influencing the pace of aging. The study, based on data from four large longitudinal studies involving over 800,000 participants, found that individuals with more social advantages had lower levels of proteins in their blood that are associated with the aging process, including those related to inflammation and the immune system.
The researchers measured markers of aging through diagnoses of age-related diseases and advanced plasma proteomics, which analyzes circulating proteins in the blood. They discovered that social advantage was linked to a reduced risk of 66 age-related diseases, with individuals of low socioeconomic status facing a 20% higher risk compared to those with high socioeconomic status. For diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, the risk was more than twice as high in the most disadvantaged group.
Furthermore, the study found that changes in social standing could impact biological aging, as individuals who transitioned from low levels of education to higher social advantage later in life showed more favorable protein concentrations. Co-author Professor Dame Linda Partridge from UCL’s Institute of Healthy Aging suggests that factors such as life stress, mental health, and lifestyle behaviors may play a role in how social advantage influences the aging process.
In a related study, the researchers also found that a blood test measuring organ aging could predict the risk of age-related diseases decades in advance, offering potential for targeted interventions to improve health as individuals age. These findings highlight the importance of addressing social inequalities to promote healthy aging and reduce the risk of age-related diseases in society.
Overall, the research from UCL underscores the impact of social advantage on biological aging and emphasizes the need for further investigation into how social factors can influence the aging process. By understanding these mechanisms, researchers and healthcare providers can develop targeted interventions to support healthy aging and improve overall well-being.