Dog accidentally shoots owner after getting paw stuck in trigger guard, Memphis police say

A bizarre incident occurred in Memphis on Monday when a dog accidentally fired a gun, injuring his owner. The 39-year-old victim was chatting with a female friend on his bed when the dog, identified as Oreo, a 1-year-old pit bull, jumped onto the bed. In a strange turn of events, the dog’s paw somehow got caught in the trigger guard of the gun and discharged it, grazing the man in the left thigh.
Authorities found a spent shell casing on the floor and the victim was treated on the scene before being taken to a medical center for further treatment. Fortunately, his injury was not considered critical. The female friend, who has not been publicly identified, left the scene after the shooting, taking the weapon with her.
This incident is not the first of its kind. In recent years, there have been other cases of dogs unintentionally causing gun-related injuries. In 2023, a man was killed during a hunting trip in Kansas when a dog accidentally stepped on a rifle and fired it. Similarly, in 2017, a hunter in Iowa was wounded when a dog accidentally triggered a shotgun.
In a particularly tragic case in 2018, a man in New Mexico was shot by his dog, a 120-pound rottweiler mix named Charlie, while they were in the man’s truck. The dog’s paw became entangled in the rifle’s trigger, resulting in the man being shot in the back and sustaining multiple broken bones.
It’s a reminder of the unpredictable nature of animals and the importance of gun safety. The victim in this Memphis incident was lucky to escape with a minor injury. The dog, Oreo, known for being friendly, likely had no malicious intent in the accidental shooting.
The Memphis Police Department did not provide any further information on the incident. As strange as it may be, this story serves as a cautionary tale about the need for responsible firearm handling, even in the most unexpected circumstances.