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Hacker Tried to Hand Over Stolen Trump Data to Biden Campaign, U.S. Authorities Report

A hacker attempted to deliver stolen documents related to former President Donald Trump to the Biden campaign, according to a new report from U.S. officials. The incident has raised alarms about cybersecurity risks in the heated political environment, though the Biden campaign swiftly rejected the hacker’s approach and reported the matter to federal authorities.

According to federal prosecutors, the hacker claimed to have accessed sensitive information tied to Trump and sought to sell the data to the Biden 2020 campaign in exchange for financial compensation. The stolen material was reportedly offered during the last few months of the 2020 presidential race, a critical period when cybersecurity threats and foreign interference were under intense scrutiny.

Instead of engaging, the Biden campaign immediately notified the FBI, leading to an investigation that confirmed the hacker’s actions. Federal authorities have not disclosed the specifics of the data or how the hacker managed to obtain it, but they stressed that there was no collaboration between the Biden team and any illegal activities.

This attempt to exploit stolen political data underscores the persistent threats surrounding U.S. elections. Both major political parties have been targeted by hackers, often with the intention of disrupting campaigns or influencing voters. The 2016 election saw similar concerns when stolen emails from Democratic National Committee members were released, heightening fears of cyber warfare.

As cybersecurity remains a top concern in U.S. politics, this case demonstrates how political campaigns are increasingly cautious about handling sensitive information, regardless of the potential benefits or consequen

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