Is it ok to Date Multiple People at the same time? When should you decide to choose who you want to be with?

Dating in today’s world can be a bit confusing, as there are various definitions of what dating means. Is it exclusive, or are you a free agent while dating? Is a non-married relationship as binding as a married one? Does the term “cheating” only apply to extramarital affairs? Some people feel that using the term “cheating” in a non-married relationship is extreme, as there is no marital bond.
The concept of exclusivity in relationships can also be blurry, as not everyone may be on the same page. Some believe that until a ring is on the finger, both parties are free agents and fair game. But is it always easier to steal someone’s partner than to keep your own?
If you’re interested in pursuing a relationship with someone, it’s crucial to be upfront about what you want. It’s essential to determine if exclusivity is what you want before getting into a relationship. It’s also important to communicate your desires to your potential partner clearly and concisely.
Failed relationships often result from breakdowns in communication. If both parties are clear about their expectations, things are likely to go more smoothly. Therefore, it’s crucial to be upfront about what you want in a relationship, whether it’s exclusivity or a physical relationship.
Being a “free agent” until marriage is subjective and depends on individual beliefs. However, it’s essential to be transparent about your expectations and desires in a relationship to avoid any misunderstandings. Remember to communicate clearly, and if your potential partner cannot meet your expectations, end it and move on.
So my advice?
Step 1: Determine if exclusivity is what you want.
Step 2: Make sure to let dates/potential Boyfriend/Girlfriend (or whatever you want to call it) know what it is, precisely, what you want.
Step 3: If someone cannot, or will not, provide what it is you seek, END IT! Let them know that you are ENDING it, and move on!
If you want a relationship to have sex, you should say so. If you want the relationship to be exclusive you should say so. If you want the sex to be exclusive you should say so.
So Corner & LLB Family…What are YOUR Thoughts….Are you a “Free Agent” until you are married?