
Kamala Harris’ Role in Shutting Down Backpage.com Still Impacts Sex Workers

In 2018, then-Senator Kamala Harris played a significant role in shutting down Backpage.com, a website notorious for hosting ads related to sex work. The decision, hailed by some as a victory in the fight against human trafficking, has had lasting consequences for sex workers who relied on the platform for safer ways to connect with clients.

Sex workers argue that the shutdown has made their profession more dangerous, pushing many into riskier situations and leaving them with fewer options for protection and safety.

The Fallout for Sex Workers:

  1. Loss of Safe Platforms: Backpage.com allowed sex workers to screen clients and avoid the dangers of street work. With its shutdown, many have lost this crucial tool. “We could vet people and operate with more control over our safety,” said one former Backpage user. Now, many workers feel forced to take bigger risks, often meeting clients in unsafe environments or turning to less secure platforms.
  2. Criminalization and Stigma: Harris’ crackdown on Backpage.com, along with the passing of laws like SESTA-FOSTA, which aim to curb online sex trafficking, has blurred the line between sex work and trafficking. As a result, consensual adult sex workers have faced increasing criminalization and stigma, leaving them with fewer legal protections. Sex worker advocates argue that conflating trafficking with consensual work has only worsened conditions for those in the industry.
  3. Economic Impact: Many sex workers who depended on online platforms have found it more difficult to earn a stable income. The shutdown of Backpage has led to economic precarity for individuals who relied on the site to connect with clients while avoiding the dangers of street-based solicitation. “Our income dropped, and it’s harder to make ends meet,” said a worker now struggling to find safe alternatives.
  4. Long-Term Consequences: Harris, now Vice President, continues to face criticism from sex worker advocacy groups. While her efforts to combat human trafficking are acknowledged, the unintended consequences of these actions on consensual sex workers have fueled ongoing debates about how to balance combating exploitation with protecting vulnerable workers.

The closure of Backpage.com, while aimed at tackling trafficking, has left many sex workers in increasingly dangerous situations. For those affected, the fallout from Harris’ actions continues to shape their daily lives.

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