
Live hantavirus is carried by more than 30 New Mexico small mammal species

Hantavirus is a deadly disease that has been a concern in New Mexico since 1993 when a deadly outbreak in the Four Corners region revealed its presence. The virus is primarily carried by deer mice, which can spread it through their droppings. However, recent research conducted by the University of New Mexico has found that more than 30 species of rodents and small mammals endemic to the Southwest also carry the virus, including ground squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, rats, and even house mice.

In a study published in PLOS Pathogens, researchers found genomic material from the sin nombre virus, the prevalent strain of hantavirus in the U.S., in a quarter of the small mammals collected throughout New Mexico between 2019 and 2023. This discovery raises concerns about the potential for other species besides deer mice to spread the disease to humans.

The main mode of transmission for hantavirus is through aerosolized droppings excreted by infected animals. The virus can be inhaled by humans, leading to severe cardiopulmonary symptoms. Despite advanced treatment options, about 35% of patients infected with hantavirus in New Mexico die from the disease.

One puzzling aspect of hantavirus cases in the state is why they remain concentrated in the Four Corners region, even though small mammals carrying the live virus have been found throughout New Mexico. Researchers are investigating whether there are differences in the viral genetic sequences between regions that may explain this phenomenon.

Precautions to prevent hantavirus infection include wearing a well-fitting mask and gloves when handling rodent droppings, using a bleach solution to clean affected areas, and avoiding activities that generate aerosols. Unlike COVID-19, hantavirus is not spread from person to person and does not survive long in the open air or sunlight.

While hantavirus cases are rare, it is essential for residents of New Mexico to be aware of the risks and take necessary precautions when encountering rodents or their droppings. By staying informed and following safety guidelines, individuals can reduce their risk of hantavirus infection.

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