
Mayoral hopeful dumps candidate over karakia critique

Dunedin mayoral candidate Andrew Simms has made a decision to remove a member from his ticket after an email surfaced criticizing the use of karakia.

University of Otago business school lecturer Dr. Robert Hamlin, who was running on Mr. Simms’ Future Dunedin ticket, raised concerns within his faculty by sending an email expressing his disapproval of karakia being used before a meeting.

The email stated, ‘While I know that these karakia are described as ‘voluntary’, its inclusion as a specific item in the official agenda does rather suggest that active participation in this incantation is ‘officially’ recommended. This particular karakia is clearly a religious prayer that refers to a specific deity… I think that factor on its own is cause for concern.’

Karakia is traditionally used to seek spiritual guidance and protection and is also seen as a formal greeting when commencing a ceremony.

The email chain prompted pro-vice-chancellor commerce Prof Maree Thyne to defend the use of karakia, stating that it enhances the cultural competency of staff members.

Mr. Simms initially distanced himself from Dr. Hamlin’s views but later decided to part ways after reviewing the email chain. He emphasized the importance of having a team that supports mana whenua and the use of karakia.

Dr. Hamlin expressed that his departure from the ticket was not mutually agreed upon and is uncertain about his future candidacy for council.

In response to the controversy, the university stressed the importance of supporting Maori culture and literacy, with Prof Thyne highlighting the significance of providing cultural competency opportunities through practicing karakia.

Dr. Hamlin defended his stance against the religious aspect of the karakia in question, citing concerns about the requirement to chant and offer prayers in a meeting.

The university’s response to Dr. Hamlin’s views was in support of the practice of chanting karakia. Dr. Hamlin, who occasionally contributes to the ODT’s opinion pages, remains firm in his beliefs.

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