Name Your Price On This AWS eBook Bundle

Since emerging on the tech scene 10 years ago, Amazon Web Services has exploded as a worldwide leader in the cloud arena. As of 2022, AWS Cloud is available in 87 zones and “27 geographic regions around the world, with announced plans for 21 more Availability Zones and 7 more AWS Regions in Australia, Canada, India, and Israel,” among other countries.
With such a large presence in the cloud computing space, few things are as secure and sure as a career in AWS technology. For a limited time, with this “Pay What You Want Deal” you can learn the ins and outs of the platform with the Pay What You Want: The Complete Amazon Web Services eBook Bundle for just $11.77. Individually, each book in this set would set you back $215.94.
Here’s how Pay What You Want Works: You receive something incredible for the price you choose. If you happen to beat the average price, you’ll unlock additional products and take home the bundle.
The six titles in this eBook series include Effective DevOps with AWS, Mastering AWS Security, AWS Administration: The Definitive Guide, Mastering AWS Lambda, Learning AWS, Second Edition and Practical AWS Networking.
The AWS Administration: The Definitive Guide comes with 10.5 hours of content that cover how to build a highly secure, fault-tolerant, and scalable cloud environment. Mastering AWS Lambda builds on the aforementioned course with ways how to construct cost-effective and highly scalable serverless applications using AWS Lambda.
The Practical AWS Networking course is your one-stop guide to learning all you need to know about AWS Networking. Gain an overview of all networking services available in AWS, and learn auto-scale instances based on the increase and decrease of the traffic, among other tools.
This eBook bundle not only comes with valuable information about how to get the most out of Amazon Web Services but the deal is made even sweeter thanks to its low price. Purchase it today.
Prices subject to change.
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