NYU School of Global Public Health wins for STAT Madness entry

The STAT Madness pitch session at the STAT Breakthrough Summit East in Manhattan showcased the innovative research of four teams competing in the annual bracket-style competition celebrating scientific discovery. Described as the science version of “Shark Tank,” the pitch session featured presentations from each team to a panel of judges and the summit audience.
One standout presentation came from the New York University School of Global Public Health team, which is currently a contender to make it to the Elite Eight in the STAT Madness competition. The team’s research focused on why Hispanic people are disproportionately affected by respiratory failure compared to other patients. They discovered that Hispanic patients were five times more likely to be deep-sedated in the ICU, leading to higher mortality rates. The team’s findings suggest that de-implementing this low-value practice could potentially save lives.
Another compelling presentation was given by a team from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, which used natural language processing to extract data on cancer patients from electronic medical records. By combining this data with genetic information from tumor sequencing, the researchers were able to identify new associations between tumor genes and patient outcomes, leading to new hypotheses for clinical trials.
Wenbin Mei, a graduate fellow at Rockefeller University, presented research on how the PCSK9 gene is linked to breast cancer metastasis, suggesting a hereditary component to cancer spread. In mouse studies, the team was able to inhibit the spread of cancer, opening up a promising avenue for potential breast cancer therapies.
Lastly, Kim Mudd, a nurse manager from Johns Hopkins, presented research on an antibody treatment called Omalizumab, which has shown promise in treating allergic asthma and food allergies. The team treated allergic patients with the antibody and found that the majority of participants were able to tolerate larger amounts of their allergens after the treatment, indicating a potential breakthrough in food allergy management.
Overall, the STAT Madness pitch session showcased the groundbreaking research being conducted by these teams and highlighted the potential impact their discoveries could have on improving healthcare outcomes. The competition is ongoing, with the NYU team still in the running for the top prize. Stay tuned to see which team emerges victorious in this year’s STAT Madness competition. The importance of scientific research has never been more crucial, especially in a time where funding for such endeavors is facing setbacks. At the recent STAT Breakthrough Summit, speakers emphasized the significance of making scientific research visible to the public, shedding light on its relevance to everyday life.
Melissa Dupont, global public affairs lead for neurology at Sanofi, highlighted the need to demystify science and connect it to the lives of ordinary individuals. She stressed the importance of moving away from the traditional image of science confined to laboratories and ivory towers, and instead, making it more relatable and accessible to everyone.
One way to promote and celebrate scientific research is through events like STAT Madness, where groundbreaking research projects compete for recognition and support. While there may not be a monetary prize, the impact of raising awareness and promoting scientific advancements is invaluable.
The call to action is clear – to vote for the research projects that resonate with you and support the scientists who are driving innovation and progress. Whether it’s a toddler in need of a specific treatment like omalizumab or a college student venturing into independence for the first time, the relevance of scientific research touches us all.
By engaging in initiatives like STAT Madness and advocating for the visibility of scientific research, we can contribute to a culture that values and prioritizes advancements in science and technology. So, let’s cast our votes, spread the word, and celebrate the incredible work being done by researchers around the world. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that scientific breakthroughs continue to shape our future.