Pentagon Diversity Chief Recommended Anti-Police Book

About a month ago, I covered anti-white tweets from self-proclaimed ‘woke administrator’ Kelisa Wing. Ms. Wing had been recently appointed as the new Department of Defense Education Activity Diversity Chief.
That’s a real position at the Department of Defense, for some reason.
To give you some background on what the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is responsible for, let me enlighten you, dear reader. The DoDEA is the federal arm of the education system for what they call military-connected students.
The DoDEA is the public school system for military families operating at 160 schools worldwide. Ms. Wing has been under a Pentagon investigatory probe for her divisive tweets since September, and recently it has been discovered she advocated for an anti-police book to be made available in schools.
If you thought the military was safe from the insanity taking hold in the rest of society, you would be wrong.
— ThePoliticalInsider (@TPInsidr) September 23, 2022
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A Reminder
The tweets that have Ms. Wing in hot water are related to her feelings about white people, and it seems specifically white women. For example, she tweeted during a professional development seminar:
“I’m exhausted with these white folx in these [professional development] sessions. This lady actually had the caudacity to say that black people can be racist too…I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS…We are not the majority, we don’t have power.”
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I’m not sure where this new trend is coming from of adding an x to the end of words meant to be plural. You’ll also notice in this ridiculous tweet that she mentions ‘caudacity’; I assure you this misspelling is purposeful.
It’s meant as what I imagine she believes as a pithy dig at white people, specifically this ‘Karen’ she invokes.
Hard to think it could get any worse. But it can.
“Agitate, Agitate, Agitate”— Military’s New Diversity Chief Hawks Books, Advocates “Revolution” In K-12 Schools, by @open_the_books
Kelisa Wing advocates a racial reckoning, a revolution in the Pentagon’s K-12 schools. How’s that good for readiness?
— OpenTheBooks (@open_the_books) October 11, 2022
The Audacity
Recently it’s been discovered that along with clearly unprofessional at best and racist at worst tweets, Ms. Wing also has terrible taste in books. For example, she promoted the book ‘Between the World and Me’ by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
In this book, Coates writes regarding 9/11 responders:
“They were not human to me. Black, white, or whatever, they were menaces of nature, they were the fire, the comet the storm, which could – with no justification – shatter my body.”
It’s important to remember that on September 11th, 2001, the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists. A total of 125 people died at the Pentagon and the 64 souls on American Airlines Flight 77 that torpedoed into the heart of our Defense Department that day.
Pentagon employee Ms. King said in regards to recommending this book:
“Your classroom materials should be a mirror for your students in which they can see themselves represented.”
The audacity to recommend a book that speaks so poorly of the men and women who ran towards the flames to save innocent lives is quite incredible, don’t you think?
A few weeks ago I spoke with @TPInsidr‘s @BrettRSmith76
on how I feel a year after the botched withdrawal from #Afghanistan. Check it out at the below link! 👇— Kat ✍️ (@mohawkmoderate) September 12, 2022
A Revolution
It seems odd that the hiring authority for this position wouldn’t catch that their new Diversity Chief clearly doesn’t believe in diversity, at least not if it comes from someone who is white. But, then again, some think they did know and didn’t care.
Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo said of her appointment:
“This is very intentional. They’ve put her in this place because the Defense Department is another institution that the Biden administration has every intention of tearing down.”
In a letter to the Secretary of Defense, 22 House Republicans asked some pretty pointed questions of that flavor to include:
- Does the Pentagon endorse her ideologies?
- Was DoDEA aware of her tweets prior to her appointment?
- Has her ideology been integrated into curriculum?
Hard to believe that the answer to these questions will be no, don’t you think? Especially when you take a look at some of her past comments at events, to include in 2020:
“I am anti-racist. Anti-racist means I am actively taking a stand to completely tear down, uproot, rebuild, and create something new, and that’s exactly what we need to do in education. I know that sounds really revolutionary and hard but there are a lot of mechanisms and tools out there that can help us get there.”
One of those tools is the federal employment system.
Do you think military bases should be renamed if they are named after Confederate generals?
— ThePoliticalInsider (@TPInsidr) October 12, 2022
RELATED: State Department Pushes ‘Gender Transition’ For Kids As States Consider Bans
Stay Tuned…
I think it’s fair to say that contrary to what former Pentagon spokesman John Kirby and the rest of the bureaucrats that reside in the five-sided building wish you to believe, the Department of Defense has certainly gone woke. For those of us that served in uniform over the last 20 years, we know that the march toward a woke military has been happening for quite some time.
Undoubtedly this march hit a quick step approach thanks to the Biden administration. In 2021 President Biden directed all federal agencies to “establish or elevate Chief Diversity Officers.” So alas, we find ourselves where we are today.
Keep in mind this person has been involved in the curriculum that services over 60,000 military-connected children. So while our brave young men and women are working long hours defending freedom and sacrificing their lives, their children may have been subjected to the recommendations of Ms. Kelisa Wing.
The letter to the Secretary of Defense from the 22 Republicans requested Secretary Lloyd Austin take “immediate action” to investigate Ms. Wing for her “egregious bias.” The probe was opened on September 19th, and a final decision must be made 30 days later.
We should be finding out very soon if Ms. Wing gets to continue her employment in the DOD, or if she will have to take her education revolution elsewhere.
What the…
— ThePoliticalInsider (@TPInsidr) October 9, 2022
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