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Republican Divisions Block House Bill as Trump Pushes Hardline on Election Security

Internal fractures among House Republicans have stalled efforts to pass a crucial funding bill, raising the risk of a government shutdown. A group of hardline conservatives, backed by former President Donald Trump, have resisted compromise, demanding stronger measures on election security as part of ongoing negotiations with Democrats.

With the September 30 deadline fast approaching, Republican leadership in the House has struggled to find common ground between moderates and the more conservative faction, particularly members of the House Freedom Caucus. These hardliners have tied support for the bill to provisions addressing election integrity—a stance Trump has repeatedly emphasized, urging the party to adopt stricter measures.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has been attempting to broker a deal, but resistance from within his own party threatens to derail any resolution. The far-right group is pushing for deeper spending cuts and stricter policies on election-related issues like voter ID laws and ballot security, complicating efforts to find a middle ground with Democrats.

Without a funding bill, the government faces a potential shutdown, which could impact federal services, workers, and programs. Both parties remain locked in a political standoff, with election security now emerging as a key sticking point in negotiations.

As the deadline approaches, pressure is mounting on McCarthy to unify his party and prevent the government from grinding to a halt.

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