Trevor Noah shouts out Black Women on his final episode of The Daily

Trevor Noah thanked all his correspondents, friends, and fans who have been by his side for the past seven years as he took over the desk in the wake of Jon Stewart’s departure, during his final episode of The Daily Show on Thursday (Dec. 8). Trevor, 38, made sure to give “a special shoutout to Black women” during his closing remarks. ”
“I am often given credit for having grand ideas.” You think who teaches me? Who do you think is responsible for shaping me, nourishing me, [and] informing me? I’m so grateful for all the black women in my life – my mom, my grandma, my aunts. They’ve all taught me so much and I look up to them so much.
“If you truly want to learn about America, talk to Black women,” continued Noah. “Because, unlike everybody else, Black women cannot afford to f-ck around and find out. Black people understand how hard it is when things go bad, especially in America, but anyplace where Black people exist – whether it’s Brazil, whether it’s South Africa, wherever it is – when things go bad, Black people know that it gets worse for them. But Black women, in particular, they know what shit is, genuinely.”
“Talk to Black women if you want to know what to do or how to do it,” Noah said. ”
The main reason I am here is because of them. I am grateful to them.
On Sept. 29, Trevor Noah announced that he would leave the program seven years and a day after taking over as host of The Daily Show. Trevor told The Hollywood Reporter about his decision, “Maybe this comes with not being raised in America, but I believe that everything should end.” ”
“Many American businesses and media organizations are motivated by the desire to keep things going for as long as possible, but I think it is healthy for things to end while they are still in a good place.” I want to leave before I’m burnt out because there are many other things I’d like to do.